Sports Injury Myths from your family, friends and even your doctor - that are not true and leave you in, if not more, pain

If you've suffered with sports injuries, you've probably heard a wild range of stories and opinions from friends and family, and even outdated advice from doctors and the internet, to rest and rely on painkillers for a while, which has left you confused, frustrated and unable to get long-term relief.

Here are some of the most common sports injury myths people who visit our Pasadena clinic have been told which is just completely untrue, and has actually made their injuries much worse, and delayed their recovery from injuries.


MYTH #1 - Total Rest is the Best Approach for Sports Injuries

One common myth I encounter is the belief that total rest is the best way to heal from sports injuries. In my experience, this isn't the case. Instead, I advocate for relative rest. This means resting the injured area in a specific manner to prevent further aggravation, but still keeping it active to encourage muscle growth and flexibility. It's also crucial to address other body parts that might be contributing to the injury. For instance, with a knee injury, it’s important to consider potential issues in the hips, back, or ankles.


MYTH #2 - Aging Inevitably Decreases Athletic Performance

Another myth I often hear is that aging naturally leads to a decline in athletic performance. I've found this to be a misconception. Many of the fittest and most athletic people I know are in their forties, fifties, and even sixties. They've maintained their fitness by adopting proper warm-up routines, stretching, and leading healthy lifestyles. Age, in my opinion, is just a number. With the right approach to physical activity, people can maintain or even enhance their athletic performance regardless of age.


MYTH #3 - Past Injuries are Unrelated to Current Physical Problems

A common misconception is that past injuries are isolated incidents and have no connection to current physical issues. From my experience, this is far from the truth. Understanding an athlete's injury history is crucial because past injuries are often predictors of future problems. In my practice, I focus on the athlete's entire injury history, addressing underlying causes to prevent re-injury. This comprehensive approach helps in promoting overall physical health and stability, ensuring a more effective and sustainable recovery.

Are You Upset, Unsure Or Even Confused About These Myths That People You Trusted Have Told You - Which Have Probably Led To MORE INJURY PAIN?

I know how upsetting it can be when you don't know why you're in pain, or struggling to move freely - and my expert team would love to help you get some clarity in a quick, free telephone call.

Simply click the button below, and arrange a free telephone consultation with our expert team who can answer your questions, listen to your story, and end your uncertainty, confusion and frustration.

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